The 409TH CSB will hold an Industry Day on Thursday, February 09, 2023, on site in Normandy, France for the planning of the D-Day 79 ceremony that will be held June 2023. The event will be organized as a one-day meeting and is located at Saint Mariee Eglise, football field.
Address: Salle des fetes de Sainte-Mere Eglise, 6, rue du Cap de Laine, 50480 Sainte-Mère-Église
An Industry Day is an opportunity for the government and industry to have open discussion about the attached draft performance work statements (PWS) and solicit feedback from industry based on their expertise for Transportation to support the D-Day 79 ceremony located in Normandy, France to ensure the Government’s final requirement is firm and executable. The site visit is being offered so vendors can see the location and have real time discussion’s with the Government team to ask any questions or offer any feedback.
Vendors who would like to attend the event should submit a response to Staff Sergeant (SSG) Bissou Bahi @ or Mr. Cory Moore @ no later than February 3, 2023, 12:00 CET. Please include the title “W564KV D-Day79 Transportation Support/Industry Day” in the subject line of the request and include the following information:
Company Name and Address:
Point of Contact for questions and/or clarification:
Telephone Number, Fax Number, and Email Address:
Web Page URL:
CAGE Code:
Vendors who are interested in providing feedback to the Government but cannot attend the site visit are encouraged to do by e-mailing Staff Sergeant (SSG) Bissou Bahi or Mr. Cory Moore @ with questions, comments, or feedback pertaining to the attached draft PWSs. Feedback will be received until February 09,2023 at 16:00.
This Industry Day announcement is issued solely for information and planning purposes. It does not constitute an Invitation for Bid (IFB), Request for Proposal (RFP), a Request for Quote (RFQ), or a promise to issue an IFB, RFP, or RFQ in the future. This notice does not constitute a commitment by the United States Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. The US Government is in no way liable to pay for or reimburse any companies or entities that respond to this announcement. Any costs incurred by interested companies in response to this announcement is solely a business decision of the vendor and will NOT be reimbursed. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. The Government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s).